Friday, 23 December 2011

Lesson. 12. THE DEATH OF ABRAHAM AND THE STORY OF ISAAC. Gen. 25:1-18. Taught in church during Bible Study on 18/12/11.

Remember in verse 1 of Chapter 24, We are told that Abraham was now old and well advanced in years. Before he died, he had married another wife and had children with her. He also had children with his concubines. At last he died a blessed person. Gen.25:8. Isn't the God of Abraham worthy obeying and serving? In 25:21, Isaac pleaded with God for children. We too can plead for our most personal and important requests. After prayer, answers may delay, but if we are fully committed to God, this can: 1. Deepen our insight into what we really need. 2. Broaden our appreciation for his answers. 3. Allow us to mature so we can use his gifts more wisely. God blessed Isaac with two children - Jacob and Esau. As the children grew, verse 28, their parents developed a divided affection for them. This caused a major problem in the family. We should love and treat our children equally. In verse 31, Esau traded his birthright for a single meal. He lost all the benefits
of being a 1st born. While it is true that Jacob demanded too much from his brother and took advantage of him, a thing we should avoid, V32,33 shows that Esau's craving was to satisfy his immediate desire without pausing to consider the long-range consequences. We should always be careful because immediate pleasure often losses sight of the future. God bless you and take care! Don't endanger your life, salvation, business, family, friendships etc for a passing benefit. Not everything that is appealing is in accordance with the Word of God or Will of God.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Lesson. 11. ISAAC & REBEKAH. Taught in church during Bible Study on 11/12/11.

- In this story we learn something about the servant of Abraham. See if you can follow these tips in your own life, He: 1. Accepted the challenge. Gen.24:3,9. 2. Examined alternatives 24:5. 3. Promised to follow instructions.24:9. 4. Made a plan. 24:12-14. 5. Submitted the plan to God. 24:12-14. 6. Prayed for guidance 24:12-14. 7. Devised a strategy with room for God to operate. 24:12-14. 8. Waited 24:21. 9. Watched closely. 24:21. 10. Explained the situation to concerned parties. 24:34-49. 11. Refused unnecessary delay. 24:56. 12. Followed through with entire plan. 24:66. Other lessons from Gen.24. Verse.1. Abraham is an old man highly blessed in every way. Those who obey and follow God may face many challenges, but of this we can be sure, their story ends well. Verse 3,4. Abraham knew the power of influence. The daughters of the Canaanites worshiped idols and did other evils. Any one of them could lead Isaac from God. Verse 6. Isaac had to wait
patiently for what God had promised while in the land. If he had gone back to his relatives, may be, he would forget about the promise. We too need to continue in what God wants us to do even in hard times or when our wants are threatened. Verse.8. Isaac was to guard what God had promised, that was of greater importance than a wife. We should make up our minds once and for all to be on the side of God, no matter what. Verse.23. Even when there is a clear indication that we are in the plan of God; we should ask for wisdom to act in a way that will quicken the whole plan. Verse.26,27. We should be able to see the hand of God in every bit of success. Verse 49. When we are not sure that something is in the plan of God, there is always a way we can look for confirmation.

Lesson. 10. GOD GAVE ISAAC AND DELIVERED ISAAC FROM DEATH. Taught in church during Bible Study on 4/12/11

In this story we see Abraham's faith and the FAITHFUL God in whom he trusted. Gen.21:1-3. - Many years passed and Isaac grew to be a young man. - One day God asked Abraham to do a difficult thing. Gen.22:1,2. (To sacrifice Isaac). - God wanted to see if Abraham loved Isaac more than God. - Abraham believed that even if he did kill Isaac in obedience to God, God would raise Isaac from the dead. Heb.11:19. Gen.22:6-13. - The blessing of obedience to God is clear in Gen.22:14-19. When we are tested, we can complain, or we can see how God is trying to mold us to be what is best. - Obedience to God is not easy and does not come naturally, but it is possible if we fully surrender to God. - Abraham received abundant blessings because he obeyed God.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Lesson. 7. GOD DESTROYED SODOM & GOMORRAH. Taught in church during Bible Study on 27/11/11

Why on earth did God decide to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Gen.13:13. Gen.18:20,21; Ezek.16:49,50. These people were contnuausly very wicked. They did everything against God. It must be that God gave them time to change. They ignored God's mercy and grace. Gen.19:1-26. 2Pet.2:6. Lot is an example of them that will obey always. Lot's wife is an example of those who gets saved but allows the glittering things of this world to draw them back into the world - for their own destruction. Sodow is an example of those who keeps on sinning.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Firm Foundation. lesson 6: GOD JUDGED THE WORLD AND DELIVERED NOAH AND ALL IN THE ARK. Taught on 30/10/2011 in the church. during Bible study.

Some may say that God takes delight in killing people and destroying property. Nothing can be far from the truth. God's love for people and all creation is very great. His Word to us are guidelines to protect us from death. In Ezek. 18:32, God says: "I don't want you to die, says the Sovereign LORD. Turn back and live! (NLT). In the time of Noah, many years had passed - as in Gen.5. By this time there was a large population living on the earth. Gen.6:5,11 states the kind of people they were: they went after what they decided for themselves was the best, they gave no thought as to how they should please and serve God. God saw and hated their sin, but He also loved them and wanted them to repent. Gen.6:3 shows that God tried all he could to help them. The 120 years could be the maximum time they were given before punishment. God shows his great patience with us as well. He is giving us time to quit living our way and begin living His way, the way He shows
us in His Word. We can confidently say of the people of Noah's time: their minds were focused on material things, they were proud, self centered, boastful, wanted what other people had, argued and fought, were cruel, murderers, tricked, lied, deceived one another, gossiped, said evil things about others behind their backs, ignored God's original plan for marriage etc. Now you are saying they really deserved God's punishment. You can now see why God will punish again in that day. Mankind is now worse than in the days of Noah. In Gen.6:12, we are told that God saw their sin. Nothing was hidden from God. He saw it all and always sees.. Their sin grieved God. But Noah found favour with God. Gen.6:8,9 shows why. He had faith in God, he obeyed God, he trusted God. Do like Noah and you too will be favoured by God. God lovingly revealed His plan to Noah. Gen.6:13-21. When the Ark was ready God commanded Noah to enter in. Gen.7:1-5. Punishment was poured to all
who didn't have faith in God, who didn't trust or obey Him.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Firm Foundation. lesson 5: GOD REJECTED CAIN BUT ACCEPTED ABEL. Taught on 23/10/2011 in the church. during Bible study.

Prov. 14:12 says: "There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death". It seemed right for Eve and Adam to disobey God, later it seemed right for Cain to offer offerings to God his way, to hate his brother and later to kill him. The Bible clearly records the outcome of their choices. Gen.4:1-5, we are told of the birth of Cain and Abel and of how they gave offerings to God. The Bible does not say why God did not accept Cain's offering. May be God required that blood be shed. This is very possible because God started to reveal the plan of redemption to mankind immediately after the fall. Ex.12:3; 24:6-8. Lev. 17:11-14. Matt.26:28. Heb.9:22. Heb.10:1-4. Or perhaps Cain's attitude was improper , or he did not meet God's Standard. While we may not be sure, God's words in V7: "You will be accepted if you do what is right..." shows that Cain knew what was expected of him. In Gen.4:7,8, we see that Cain never heeded God's warning. He
went ahead to hate and later kill his brother. This action reveals that he was not rejected for nothing, how many other times could he have refused to obey God? God is interested in obedience and pureness of heart more than an offering. The dialogue in verses 9 and 10 was aimed at helping Cain confess and repent. He refused and thus attracted God's curse upon himself. God would use the line of Abel to bring the deliverer, satan tried to block that. Praise be to God! His plan cannot be stopped. As satan was cerebrating his victory, in verse 25, Seth was born!

Monday, 24 October 2011

Firm Foundation. lesson 4: God's Promise and Judgement . Taught on 16/10/2011 in the church during Bible study.

In the book of Proverbs 9:10, the Word says: " Fear of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgement. (NLT). God had created Adam and Eve in His own image. They were for His glory. They belonged to Him. He loved them. He had given them anything they could ever need. Out of love, He had warned them of the consequences of disobedience. In Gen.3:9 God is calling Adam wanting to know where they were. Because they didn't come to talk with God and were no longer interested to seek Him, He called out to seek them. God was giving them an opportunity to agree with Him that they were wrong in believing satan. Even now He calls out of love, through what we see, through the word, etc. The conversation in Gen. 3:10-11 was aimed at helping Adam and Eve repent. In Gen.3:12,13 we see that instead of repenting, they started the blame game. In v.14, God curses the serpent. In v.15, God promises a deliverer. In v.16-19,
curses/punishes Adam and Eve. They were chased out of the garden of eden. God Killed an animal and covered their nakedness. This was to symbolize the blood of the Saviour that would wash our sins and cover our guilt.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Firm Foundation lesson 3: Adam and Eve Disobeyed God. Taught on 9/10/2011 in the church during Bible study.

Psal. 119:160. Through the Word, we know that God placed Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. He placed two important trees in that garden: The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God told Adam that he must not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He warned that disobedience would bring death. This meant immediate separation from God who is the source of life, that friendship with God would be broken, that physical death would start and an eternal separation (to those who will refuse God's reconcilliation plan) in the day that God will judge Satan and his demons. In Gen.3:1, we see disobedience that led to the fall of Adam and Eve and the entire human-race that would follow. Satan disguised himself as snake thus lying about his identity. He lied to Eve about the facts. No wonder in Jhn.8:44 Jesus calls him the father of lies. Even in our days satan uses whatever deception people will accept. He may
call fornication and adulterly, love and care. Prostitution, he may call an effective business venture. Lying may be called use of tactics etc. Anything that is rebellion against God is sin no matter how sweet the name tag it is given. So is anything that makes evil seem good or funny and anything that denies God or the truth of the Bible. Through the disobedience of Adam and Eve we see that sin is disobedience to God and that sin brings fear, shame and causes people to turn away from God. In conclusion, God always tells the truth. He always does exactly what He says. But satan is a liar and a murderer. He is the deceiver of our souls.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Firm Foundation lesson 2: God created the heavens and the earth. Preached on 2/10/2011 in the church during Bible Study.

Heb. 11:3; Gen. 1:1. The Word of God shows that God is the creator of heavens and earth, plants, animals and human beings etc. God created out of nothing. How possible is that? It's possible because nothing is too hard for Him. Jer. 32:17. In Gen. 1:1,2, it appears like God started to work with a formless and empty earth. Some theologians argue that there is a long period of time between verse 1 and 2. They argue that heaven and earth was perfect and beautifully made, but when Satan and his followers were thrown to earth, they desroyed it's form, and in verse 2 God is about to re-create. Others argue that v.2 is a step in the process. Why do some argue in favour favour of a world that evolved without a creator? Rebellion, desire for a great name and fame, money and a desire to control and guide the mind of many. God created us for a divine. Manufacturers produces manuals to explain purpose and use of a commodity. God's Word is His manual about us.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

TRUST. Preached on 25/09/2011.

In both OT and NT, believers are urged and encouraged to rely upon, have confidence in and commit themselves to the LORD. And why is that? For He alone is trustworthy. - Psal. 37:3, 5-6. Those who trust in Him will always do good and avoid bad ways that may seem to quicken their miracle. If you dwell in the land (because you trust God and are confident that He will come to provide), you will enjoy safe pasture. If you trust Him and commit your way to Him, He will let people see the difference. Psal. 40:4. - There is No need to trust in people who are proud and have no regard for God. Prov. 16:20. - God is faithful in that He warns people who are tempted to put their trust else-where. - Obedience to these warnings brings prosperity. Oh to the stiff necked! Rom. 10:11. - Paul is quoting a reliable authority. He himself is a reliable authority too, and speaks with authority: "Any one who puts his trust in Him will never be put into shame.

PART 2 OF LESSON 1 - THE SPIRIT BEINGS. Taught on 25/09/2011.

We may have many questions about the origin of Spirit beings. Differrent people have attempted to give different answers. God gives us the answers in His Word. The Bible uses many different words to talk about the spirit beings eg: spirits, angels, cherubim, seraphim, host of the LORD, host of heaven, stars, powers, principalities, rulers in high places. - All spirit beings were created by God. Before he created them, none of them were alive. Jhn. 1:3. - The spirits do not have flesh and blood as we do. They can move about wherever they want to, but they are not everywhere at the same time like God is. - Spirits may take the form of visible creatures or human beings. WHY DID GOD CREATE THE SPIRITS? - He created them to love and serve Him. - In the beginning all of the spirits were God's angels (messengers/ servants). They were without sin, have will power, great wisdom, great strength, have ability to do amazing things, are very intelligent. The are so
so many. Rev.5:11. Some angels were given positions of greater authority and responsibility than others, eg Lucifer. Ezek. 28:15. - Lucifer should have thanked, loved , obeyed and served God. But after a time, luciffer became very proud of his beauty, intelligence and position. Isa.14:13,14. Many angels followed Lucifer into rebellion. Lucifer (satan) and those following him incured God's initial punishment. God is the Head of good angels and powers, Satan is the head of bad/evil angels and powers. God is greater than satan and demons.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

INNER HEALING. Preached at: THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD - on 18/09/2011.

John 14:27; Rom. 12:1,2. - Inner healing is the healing of the mind, emotions, and painful memories. - It is a process through prayer and self searching whereby you are set free from feelings of resentment, rejection, self-pity, depression, guilt, fear, hatred, inferiority, worthlessness and many other such things. - It is the renewing of your mind, by not copying the behaviour and customs of this world. Inner healing makes you a new person and changes the way you think. Then you are able to learn to know God's will for you. WE NEED INNER HEALING for: 1.pride, 2. Unbelief, 3. Rebellion, 4. Hatred, 5. Bitterness, 6. Anxiety, 7. Lying, 8. Procrastination, 9. Criticism, 10. Inferiority, 11. Evil thoughts etc.3 THINGS WE MUST WANT FOR INNER HEALING. 1. To be set free from bondage. 2. Healing of your memories. 3. To stay whole. HOW TO KEEP YOUR INNER HEALING: 1. Walk in the way of the LORD - keep the Word. 2. Pray. 3. Be in a fellowship. 4. Forgive.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Taught at: THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD - Lucky Summer Branch. INTRODUCTION, THE BIBLE, GOD. - We will be studying the Bible - the most wonderful Book in the world. - We are going to begin in Genesis,which is where God's record of history begins. In God's Word is the help you need for every day. It tells us what God is like. - The Bible is the Word of God. 2 Tim. 3:16. God spoke the exact messages He wanted written down. How? Through Loud voice, Visions, putting it in their minds etc. 2Pet. 1:20,21. > God used more than 40 men. > Nearly all of them were Jews. > It took 1,600 years for all of it to be written. > It has been passed down to us with great accuracy. - God's mind that was communicated has not changed and will never change. Psal. 119:89. - It is God's personal message to each of us. The most important message we will ever be given. It tells us what God thinks of us, and what He sees as our greatest need. GOD. Who is God? How can we
know Him? Why study about Him? Ans. Because He wants us us to know Him. Knowing God is the most important thing. > God has neither beginning nor end. He is independent of everything and everyone. He didn't / does not need the Earth, stars, Sun, moon, air etc He never gets tired, thirsty or hungry; He knows everything. Psal. 147:5. - God is Spirit - Jhn 4:24. He has Mind, personality and will. He is everywhere every time. As I conclude this lesson, may I assure you that this God knows and sees you. You can't hide your actions, thoughts etc. He also knows your every need and desire.

Monday, 11 July 2011


WHEREAS, It is the express purpose of God, our Heavenly Father, to call out of the world a saved people, who shall constitute the body or Church of Jesus Christ built and established upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone; and WHEREAS, the members of the body, the Church of Jesus Christ, are enjoined to assemble themselves together for worship, fellowship, counsel and instruction in the Word of God, the Work of God, the work of the ministry and for exercise of those spiritual gifts and offices provided for New Testament order; and WHEREAS, it is evident that the early christian churches came together in such fellowship as a representative body saved, spirit filled believers, who ordained and sent out evangelists and missionaries and who, under the supervision of the Holy Spirit, set over the church pastors and teachers, therefore be it RESOLVED, that we recognize ourselves called and mandated to carry out similar functions.

Sunday, 10 July 2011


God loves you just the way you are. You are important to Him. Today He can deliver you from every kind of evil and from every sin.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011


We thank God for giving us life and calling us to serve Him