Friday, 28 October 2011

Firm Foundation. lesson 5: GOD REJECTED CAIN BUT ACCEPTED ABEL. Taught on 23/10/2011 in the church. during Bible study.

Prov. 14:12 says: "There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death". It seemed right for Eve and Adam to disobey God, later it seemed right for Cain to offer offerings to God his way, to hate his brother and later to kill him. The Bible clearly records the outcome of their choices. Gen.4:1-5, we are told of the birth of Cain and Abel and of how they gave offerings to God. The Bible does not say why God did not accept Cain's offering. May be God required that blood be shed. This is very possible because God started to reveal the plan of redemption to mankind immediately after the fall. Ex.12:3; 24:6-8. Lev. 17:11-14. Matt.26:28. Heb.9:22. Heb.10:1-4. Or perhaps Cain's attitude was improper , or he did not meet God's Standard. While we may not be sure, God's words in V7: "You will be accepted if you do what is right..." shows that Cain knew what was expected of him. In Gen.4:7,8, we see that Cain never heeded God's warning. He
went ahead to hate and later kill his brother. This action reveals that he was not rejected for nothing, how many other times could he have refused to obey God? God is interested in obedience and pureness of heart more than an offering. The dialogue in verses 9 and 10 was aimed at helping Cain confess and repent. He refused and thus attracted God's curse upon himself. God would use the line of Abel to bring the deliverer, satan tried to block that. Praise be to God! His plan cannot be stopped. As satan was cerebrating his victory, in verse 25, Seth was born!

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