THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD SOCIAL WORK – KENYA/AFRICA POLICY ON SOCIAL SERVICES PROVISION JULY 2023 CONTENTS 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Short history 1.2 Biblical and Constitutional provision for social services 2: OBJECTIVE AND OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 2.1 Objective 2.2 Operational Guidelines 3: METHODS OF INTERVENTION AND AREAS OF INTERVENTION 3.1 3.2 4: INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK 4.1 The, THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD national Social Services Department. 4.2 The, THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD District Social Services Committee 4.3 The, THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD Branch Social services Department 5: FINANCING 5.1 Sources of funds for social services provisions 5.2 Custody of funds 5.3 How the funds will be used and managed 6: LISTING BENEFICIARIES, ASSESSMENT AND THEIR EXIT 6.1 Listing Beneficiaries 6.2 Assessment 6.3 Exit 7: WEBSITES, SOCIAL MEDIA, INFORMATION SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATION 7.1 Creation of website(s) 7.2 Social Media 7.3 Information System 8: MONITORING AND EVALUATION AND POLICY REVIEWS 8:1 Monitoring and Evaluation 8:2 Policy Reviews INTRODUCTION 1.1 SHORT HISTORY. Social Work – Kenya/ Africa is a department of THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD. It is tasked with the mandate of operationalizing objective number nine, TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY. It was conceptualized by Rev. Elijah Kirima while he was in his fourth year pursuing Bachelor of Arts (Social Work) from the University of Nairobi in 2020. Rev. Elijah Kirima is a product of Social Services interventions. Born in a very poor family and raised by a single mother with a disability and five children to take care of was not easy. Elijah completed primary school through the support of Parents, Teachers and District Education Board. He was assisted by a friend to organize a fundraising in the community that enabled him to go to high school after primary school. He continued to seek assistance until he completed high school. Three years after High School he sought the support of a local church in Nairobi and was able to do a one year certificate in Bible and Church Ministry. Sixteen years after High school he talked to a few of his Facebook friends, mostly in USA to sponsor him to the university, of which they did. Elijah graduated in 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts (Social Work) Degree. He knows too well the immense power of social services provisions and the power of pulling resources together, a little here and a little there making it enough to change a person’s life. 1.2 Biblical and Constitutional provision for social services a. Biblical provisions for Social Services In the Holy Scriptures – The Bible, in the Book of Deuteronomy 15:11: “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be open handed towards your brothers and towards the poor and needy in your land. In Mathew 25:34 They are called blessed by God and worthy of the Kingdom of God those who – verse 35 – 40, provided basic needs to the poor – food, drink, clothes; welcomed the strangers ; Minded about people’s health, and those in prison (and the justice system) In Galatians 6:2 carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. In James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and personal care (to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. In James 2:15, 16: Suppose a brother or a sister (Endearing terms that shows we are all a human family) is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In Proverbs 19:17 He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done. Sometimes the poor have no family members or friends willing or able to assist them hence the need for other interventions. Proverbs 19:7. In Psalms 82:3 defend the cause of the weak and fatherless, maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. - This scripture opens the door for advocacy to us. In Proverbs 22:2 Rich and poor have this in common: The LORD Is maker of them all. – We believe this verse is speaking of the inherent dignity of every person regardless of their social status or situations they have found themselves in, and hence the need to mind the lowly and allow those who have succeeded in honest means to enjoy their success. b. Constitutional provision for social services The, THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD objective number nine is: SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY. This objective is implemented through the department: SOCIAL WORK – KENYA/AFRICA. The Constitution of Kenya provides for rights and fundamental freedoms. Chapter 4 Provides full details about this. Article 20 provides that: The Bill of rights applies to all law and binds all state organs and all persons. We also are aware that the Bill of Rights enshrined in the Kenyan Constitution captures the Regional- East Africa Community (EAC), Africa Union (AU) and International Community (UN and other International agencies) aspirations. We further note that while the government of Kenya and the International agencies are doing their best, there are still many needy cases around – especially those who have not been classified as ‘very vulnerable’ and yet they are jobless, have lost their jobs, are struggling to get capital to start their businesses or expand the business, get education and skills or tools to utilize the skills, follow up with their rights as provided, get food and clothes, get jobs etc. Even those classified as very vulnerable sometimes receives very little support. We fully understand that there are viable reasons why the mandated actors may not cover everyone at once or cover them effectively. It is for this reason that we commit ourselves to be of assistance to those within our reach and according to our ability to alleviate their suffering, restore them to their dignity and proper social functioning or even improve the functioning of those doing well so they can keep coping, enjoying high quality life and even be of support to the rest. We will play a role in providing the practical assistance that we can and offering advocacy for cases that needs attention and assistance according to our ability. OBJECTIVE AND OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 2:1 OBJECTIVE The objective is to offer service to the community (Objective 9 of the, THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD) and thus improve lives and uphold the dignity of every person. 2.2 OPERATIONAL GUIDELINE 1. At all times recognizing the inherent dignity of humanity, respecting it and helping all people (and especially the needy) according to our ability to live a life with dignity. 2. Responsiveness to special needs and arising emergencies 3. For a clarification, our first people of reach are the needy cases amongst members of the, THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD CHURCH, upon the request of any and if we have means, their family members, the immediate residents of the communities where the church has presence, programs targeting a whole community where the church has presence ( Such a program will be non-discriminatory and will reach everyone willing to benefit), and if we have the ability we can reach to any other person or community within Kenya, Africa or other continents where people have needs and we have no presence yet. 4. Building Solidarity. – Seeking to work with all that matter to alleviate pain, suffering and help the needy person or community to succeed. We will seek to eliminate unnecessary barriers. 5. Advocating for human rights and social justice as we recognize that we operate within other systems where we have no full control except bringing to the attention of those operating those systems the needs and aspirations of those under them 6. Offering preventive social services and recognizing that this is the best and most cost effective way of delivering effective services to people and communities. 7. Respecting people and communities right to self-determination, right to participation and confidentiality. 8. Treating people as whole persons whose needs need to be looked at holistically: Biological, psychological, social and spiritual. This should lead to holistic assessments and interventions. 9. Acting professionally and with integrity 10. Ethical use of technology , social media and communication in general 11. Supporting peace and non-violence. We will participate in peace building and reconstruction. 12. Individual Workers accountable for their actions to the people, communities, colleagues, the law and above all God. 13. Non-discrimination in operations 14. Recognizing, promoting, and respecting gender equality. 15. Leaving no one behind. We believe everyone should be given an opportunity, another chance and assistance. 16. Decisions and operations informed by empirical evidence, biblical, legal, ethical and appropriate cultural considerations. 17. Sustainability. If there will be a way of getting finances and resources and investing it first so that after it is distributed it has created a source for another day, we will go for that. 18. We are willing to partner with any person with good intentions – Government of Kenya, its ministries and agencies, UN agencies and affiliates, Foreign governments and their agencies, INGO’s, NGO’s, CBO’s and other grassroots organizations, Faith Based Organizations, Private companies and businesses and various professionals etc. who may fund us to deliver services to individuals or communities according to their specifications and direction as long as it is within the law. Partnership in referrals, trainings etc. METHOD OF INTERVENTION AND AREAS OF INTERVENTION 3.1 METHOD OF INTERVENTION Our main method of intervention is Prevention through Providing education, trainings, seminars, participation and discussion forums on how one can stay away from vulnerability in the first place, how to notice the red signs and how to redeem oneself in the very early stage if possible, and availing ourselves to advise other agencies, including government and taking part in their consultative forums to ensure proper action is taken. We will also major on early intervention activities aimed at halting the problem that has already manifested. This will be through counseling, advice, education, advising agencies, individuals, communities etc. on action, policies, laws and remedial measures We will seek to offer rehabilitative and restorative services. We are aware that our services may be needed by an individual, a family or part of it, a group, a community or part of it or other partners. We are aware that in any area of intervention, we may need to do capacity building, avail opportunities and make contributory (giving of cash and material items) and offer varied noncontributory assistance and interventions. 3.2 AREAS OF INTERVENTION • Support for Provision of food and clothing. • Support for provision of water (especially drinking water) and sanitation • Support for healthcare and wellbeing • Support for shelter • Support for education • Offer encouragement, mindset shift social awareness • Support to facilitate subsistence agriculture and subsistence animal and chicken keeping. • Support to secure rights • Support to access justice • Pre-wedding support • Pre-marital counseling. • Family support and counseling. Single family, child headed family, Orphans and vulnerable prioritized. • Drafting child support agreement • Support during emergencies • Support and counseling after the death of a loved one • Support for funerals • Presiding over funerals as a show of support to the living • Peace building, reconciliation and mediation efforts. • Advocacy and support for the protection of natural resources and climate concerns • Advocacy for sustainable communities and cities • Advocacy for responsible production and consumption • Advocacy and support for women rights and participation • Advocacy on fight against corruption and for good governance • Support to victims and Advocacy to stop Gender Based Violence • Support for inheritance matters • Supporting employers and employees restructure their methods to create capacity, improve efficiency, productivity boost morale and appreciate creativity. Help analyze policies, programs and regulations to see what is most effective. Suggest alternative approaches • Advocacy for effective and just judicial correctional system and support for the family of the accused. • Support for work/business, capital for business • Support for skills • Support for work tools • Support in crisis intervention • Support for mental health interventions • Interventions to control drug abuse • Advocacy and support for people living with disability • Support and networking for the stabilization of refugees, internally displaced persons and efforts in resolving the issues leading to their situation • Support for the elderly and counseling for their caregivers • Uniting street children and families to their families, kin and communities and or seeking to resolve any issues that led them to such life. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK. 4.1 The, THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD national Social Services Department. The department is headed by the General Overseer or the deputy if He She is trained in Social work. He she may appoint a qualified person to serve in this role according to this policy. Even if not qualified in Social work training, He she may serve and oversee the program temporarily until such a time that a qualified person is found. He she will coordinate the implementation of this policy at the national level, and ensure proper implementation and adherence at the, THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD district and branch. Where services are extended to others outside the church, beneficiaries may be allowed to have leaders that will be under the direction of the leaders in these levels. 4.2 The, THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD District Social Services Committee. The District Reverend and others that meet with him according to the church structure will implement this policy in their areas in continuous consultation with the leader at the national level and the branch departments. The District Reverend and Branch Pastors may in consultation with the national social services department leader have a qualified person employed or taken in for attachment or internship or volunteer to assist in the district. 4.3 The, THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD Branch Social services Department The department will be headed by the pastor who will work with deacons or they may appoint a qualified person whose proposed appointment will be communicated to the leader at the national and district level of the church. They will offer services in adherence to this policy. FINANCING – sources, Custody, Management. 5.1 SOURCES OF FUNDS FOR SOCIAL SERVICES PROVISIONS. 1. Welfare money that the church gives monthly 2. Members getting together and contributing towards a project or issue. 3. Donations from well-wishers 4. If we are able to coordinate non church individuals or communities to give 5. If we are able to invest and create sources of income 6. If any is willing to finance us to carry out social services according to their specifications and direction 7. Because we have expertise but are severely limited in finances, a person etc. may facilitate us financially to pick their case/issue. 5.2 CUSTODY OF FUNDS All funds will be deposited in the, THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD Bank account if it is not used immediately. The officer in charge at the national, district or branch will keep a clear record of all the money in and expenses. If the non-church individuals or communities are contributing, it will be recorded by the officer and the individuals or groups may need to have a way of keeping their records too – possibly by appointing a person to keep the records, but the money will be deposited in the, THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD Bank account. It’s a grievous mistake not to keep proper records and it’s illegal and ungodly to use social services funds for other purposes other than what it was intended for. 5.3 MANAGEMENT OF FUNDS The officer in charge at any of the three levels or their appointee keeps proper records and deposits the money. Upon request for assistance, the officer makes an assessment in writing and makes a decision – alone or in consultation with other leaders. It may be determined the client needs money they will refund, or one time gift nonrefundable, or some continuous giving, or they need counseling or other interventions. There will be assistance request forms and support giving forms. ASSESSING, LISTING BENEFICIARIES, SUPPORT AND EXIT. 7.1 The person with a need makes an application, or the officer identifies a need. Assessment for listing is done. The support may be counseling, advice, noncontributory support, money support, exit – referral, and follow-up. 7.2 Community or the congregation my notice a problem and refer it to the officer in charge for action. The officer will then have to do the assessment and determination 7.3 Partners may refer a case to the department and it will be acted upon accordingly and feedback given. COMMUNICATION, INFORMATION SYSTEM, WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA 7.1 We will endeavor to create an effective website that satisfies clients, is secure and meets the aims and objectives of the department. NB: We currently need assistance on this. 7.2 We will endeavor to have honest, timely, respectful, fast and effective communication with clients and indeed all that matter. We will keep a record of our intervention, live cases, requests, referrals etc. 7.3 We will seek to use social media effectively and ethically. MONITORING AND EVALUATION We will on a rolling basis do evaluations, assessment of the impact of our interventions and seek to know what can be changed, improved, is on much demand etc. Changes to this policy may be proposed to the National leader and he she will put them in mind when reviewing the policy. REVIEWS. This policy will be reviewed regularly under the direction of the national leader in response to expressed needs demands, applicable national laws in force and any other consideration that is for the interest of people and best practices of social services delivery.

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