PREAMBLE ( Constitutional declaration)
1. Name.
2. Objectives.
3. Membership.
4. Entrance and Subscription Fee.
5. Method of suspension or expulsion of members.
6. The Title of Officers, Trustees, and Auditors and their terms of office and the method of their election, Appointment, Dismissal, and suspension.
7. The composition of committees, the terms of office of members of such committees and the method of their election, Appointment, Dismissal, and suspension.
8. The authority for and the methods of filling vacancies on committees
9. The frequency of, quorums for and dates for general meeting referred to in section 29 of the ACT.
10. The custody and investment of the funds and property of the fellowship, and the designation of the persons responsible, therefore.
11. The purposes for which the funds may be used.
12. The inspection of the books and list of members of fellowship by any member or officer, under section 28(1) of the ACT.
13. The annual or periodical Audit of Accounts.
14. The Formation of branches.
15. The manner of amending the name, constitution or rules of the fellowship.
16. The manner of the dissolution of the fellowship and the disposal of its property on dissolution.
1. Statement of faith
2. Code of Conduct
3. Employment
WHEREAS It is the express purpose of God, our Heavenly Father, to call
out of the world a saved people, who shall constitute the body of Jesus
Christ built and established upon the foundation of the apostles and
prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone; and WHEREAS,
the members of the body, the Church of Jesus Christ, are enjoined to
assemble themselves together for worship, fellowship, counsel, and
instruction in the Word of God, the Work of God, the work of the
ministry and for the exercise of those spiritual gifts and offices provided
for New Testament order; and WHEREAS, it is evident that the early
Christian churches/fellowships came together in such fellowship of
saved, spirit-filled believers, who ordained and sent out evangelists
and missionaries and who, under the supervision of the Holy Spirit, set
over the church pastors, teachers, and other leaders, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we recognize ourselves called and mandated to carry out
similar functions.
And shall be referred to as “ The Fellowship” throughout this Constitution.
1. The fellowship shall form branches in all the Republic of Kenya according to its ability and branches in the nations of the world where necessary permission will be granted.
2. To make known the written word of God so as to proclaim the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. To provide sound, biblically-based teaching and build a spiritually empowered fellowship so that all people may have the opportunity to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth, enter into transforming relationship with Jesus Christ, and become established in faithful and fruitful Christian Living.
4. To promote the creation of local fellowships of which are self-supporting and to foster unity and fellowship amongst such local fellowships.
5. To gather at convenient times and as the fellowship may decide at any level for:-
i) Prayers, worship, counsel, and instruction on the word of God, the exercise of those gifts and offices set forth in the New Testament, giving to support the fellowship, for conferences and revival meetings, to build and strengthen the faith of believers and win non-believers to Christ.
ii) To carry out special services such as the dedication of children, baptism ( Baptism shall be conducted if requested by the fellowship member and if done it shall be water immersion).
iii) Dedication of land, buildings or other immovable property acquired by the fellowship.
iv) To witness and celebrate the officiating of weddings, for burial and to celebrate Holy Communion.
6. To offer holistic help to meet the holistic needs of the fellowship.
i) Inviting experts to teach about business and entrepreneurship.
ii) Connecting members of the fellowship to business and employment opportunities.
iii) Inviting experts to teach about health, law, citizenship.
iv) Giving counseling where needed.
7. To publish and distribute books, magazines, newsletters, have radio and T.V. programs, audio and video materials and websites for the purpose of meeting the fellowship’s and society’s needs.
8. To employ qualified personnel and be creative so as to create job opportunities.
9. To serve the community.
10. To facilitate the welfare of members and especially the fellowship’s employed staff.
11. To acquire fellowship property, moveable or immoveable for the achievement of the above-stated purposes.
12. To train and send out missionaries and evangelists.
13. To acquire funds and apply the same for the achievement of the above-stated purposes.
14.The fellowship shall not be under any form of political control
a) The candidate shall be over 18 years and shall not be discriminated against in any way because of gender, class tribe or color.
b) Personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour according to Romans 10:9-10
c) A commitment to do your best in the fellowship and contribute in ways that are reasonable for the benefit of the Body of Christ.
d) Recognize that continued fellowship within the fellowship requires that you not breach trust by behavior that sows division, moral decay or toxic teaching.
e) No monthly subscription shall be paid each month but the candidate who becomes a member shall be a faithful giver of his/her tithes, offerings and any other contribution according to the word of God.
a) Membership shall be limited to those who fulfill the above requirements and have expressed their desire for membership and a willingness to co-operate with the purpose of the fellowship.
(The candidate shall fill a membership request form prepared by the fellowship).
b) Those accepted for membership will be issued a fellowship membership card
c) Any member desiring to resign from the fellowship shall submit his resignation to the branch fellowship pastor which shall take effect from the date of receipt by the pastor of such notice.
d) Any person who resigns or is removed from membership shall not be entitled to a refund of his or her money or any kind of giving or donations given ( voluntarily) in support of the fellowship.
e) Any member who fails to give his/her tithes and offerings for more than six months shall be removed from membership and any leadership position in the fellowship. The branch council of deacons may, however, at its discretion, reinstate such member if he/she starts to give.
No monthly subscription shall be paid each month but the candidate who becomes a member shall be a faithful giver of his/her tithes, offerings, and any other contribution according to the word of God.
a) The method followed in suspending or expulsing a member shall always be consistent with the instructions given in ( Matt 18:15-17) and Gal. 6:1)
b) The branch fellowship pastor upon getting accusations against a member shall call/visit or write to that member warning him/her or counseling him or her to change.
c) If the member does not change within the time that the pastor judges is enough for the desired change, the pastor shall call a meeting of the branch fellowship council and decide what action to be taken.
a) If the member does not pay his/her tithes and offerings continuously for six months.
b) If the member has not attended fellowship meetings at his/her branch for three months and has no reasonable excuse.
c) If the member has sinned as it shall be proved from a genuine and true interpretation of the Bible.
If the member is causing serious divisions within the fellowship or general community as shall be confirmed by the district pastoral council or the fellowship national executive council.
If the member is introducing / has introduced teachings that deny the Lordship of Jesus Christ or teachings that are endangering the holistic well being of fellowship or the state, as shall be confirmed by the fellowship national executive council.
1. chairman – ( general Overseer.)
A. There shall be a chairman – {general overseer}
B. He shall hold office for five (5) years renewable at an AGM election.
C. The chairman’s (general overseer) responsibilities shall include:
a) Serving as the fellowship National committee council chairman until such a time that there is a qualified person for this position
b) The spiritual leader of the fellowship
c) Responsible for the supervision and direction of the fellowship activities.
D. Responsible for employment and dismissed from the employment of the fellowship staff. This he/she can do directly or by delegation.
E. Represents the fellowship before the government, other churches or overseas.
F. May have a church to serve or not.
G. He/she shall receive payment from the fellowship National Account as follows
a. Every branch fellowship shall be required to pay 10% of all their income to the fellowship national Account.
b. The chairman (general overseer) shall have as his/her pay 10% of all the money deposited in the fellowship national Account.
H. If he/she is a pastor of a branch fellowship he/she shall also be paid from that branch
fellowship according to the agreement governing the pay of other branch fellowship
I. He/she shall also receive allowances that other fellowship national Council committee officials shall be receiving to make the execution of duties and services possible.
J. He/she shall be a mandatory signatory of all Fellowship national bank account, a district bank account, branch account, and other Fellowship national documents. He /she can delegate if need be.
K. Shall presides at all meetings of national Executive council.
L. He shall be an ex-officio member of all committees national Council and District councils and branch. He may be called by any committee council for consultation. He shall endeavor to visit each district council annually.
M. Shall have a chance to address every gathering of the fellowship national council.
- a) The secretary (fellowship national secretary) shall deal with all the correspondence of the fellowship under the general supervision of the national executive council. In Cases of urgent matters where all the National Executive Council cannot be consulted he/she shall consult the Chairman (general overseer) or if he/she is not available, the Vice-chairman – (Bishop). The decisions reached shall be subject to ratification or otherwise at the next national executive council meeting. He/she shall issue notices convening all meetings of the National Executive council and shall be responsible for keeping minutes of all such meetings and for the preservation of all records of proceedings of the fellowship.
- b) He/she shall hold office for 5 years renewable at an AGM meeting.
- c) He/she shall be paid from the money deposited at the fellowship national bank account at the rate that is paid other officials holding such a position in other institutions of the same nature.
A. The treasurer (fellowship national treasurer) shall receive and shall also disburse under the directions of the National Executive council, all monies belonging to the fellowship and shall issue receipts for all amounts of money received by him/her and preserve vouchers for all monies paid by him. The treasurer is responsible to the national executive council, the fellowship national council and to the members that proper books of account of all monies received and paid by the fellowship are written up, preserved and available for inspection.
B. Shall delegate this role at the district level, at the branch level and if he/she has enough reason to suspect that the treasurer in that level is not doing his/her job perfectly, he/she shall remove that person and ask the council that has appointed him/her to appoint/elect another person.
C. He/she shall be paid from the money deposited at Fellowship national bank account at the rate that is paid other officials holding such a position in other institutions of the same nature.
D. He/she shall hold office for 5 years renewable at an AGM meeting.
- The assistant treasurer (fellowship assistant national treasurer) shall perform such duties as may be specifically assigned to him by the treasurer or by the fellowship national executive council and in the absence of the treasurer shall perform the duties of the treasurer.
- He/ she shall hold office for 5 years renewable at an AGM meeting election.
- His/ her pay shall be as that of the treasurer in 3(c) above.
A. The Assistant Secretary (fellowship national assistant secretary) shall in the absence of the secretary, perform all the duties as shall be assigned to him/her by the secretary or the national executive council whether the secretary is present or not.
B.He/ she shall be paid from the money deposited at the fellowship national bank account at the rate that is paid other officials holding such a position in other institutions of the same nature.
C.He/she shall hold office for 5 years renewable at an AGM meeting election.
6. The VICE chairman- (Bishop).
1. Shall be the fellowship National council chairman. Shall be elected by the fellowship national council for 5 years renewable once.
2. Shall preside at all meetings of the fellowship national council and fellowship national committee. He too shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall attend the national executive council meetings.
3. Spiritual leader and responsible for maintaining spiritual momentum of the fellowship.
4. Make known plans to the fellowship national council and the fellowship for implementation.
5. Responsible for maintaining team spirit in the fellowship national council
6. Provide Leadership for the fellowship in accordance with the bible, constitution and decisions of the fellowship national council in co-operation with other officers.
7. Chairing trustees meetings and fellowship national council committee
8. Provide written report to the fellowship national executive council.
9. Prior to his election, the fellowship national council chairman must have been a member of the fellowship for at least ten (10) years and be a sitting district reverend.
His qualification shall be as follows:
a) As stated in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Tit 1:5-9 and having the qualities in Acts 6:3
b) Must have studied up to form four with a K.C.S.E. pass of C+ (plus) or above.
c) Must have done at least a certificate course in Theology and or other Bible and church-related courses. No limit to the highest education that one can attain.
d) The theological and ministry training should be taken in an institution approved by the fellowship national executive council or in the fellowship’s Bible school.
e) Able to communicate well in English or Kiswahili.
10. Shall receive his /her salary from the branch fellowship according to the agreement governing the pay of branch fellowship pastors.
11. a) Shall receive allowances from the fellowship national bank account and his district to enable him/her discharge district and national duties.
b) This allowance shall be 10% of all money deposited in his district account and 2% of all the money deposited in the fellowship national bank account.
12. Cessation of his services shall be determined as follows:-
a) If he/she suffers from infirmity of body or mind to the extent that he/she is permanently incapable of his/her duties as may be determined by a qualified doctor.
b) Moral incapacity, to be confirmed by the fellowship national council
c) Death
d) Bankruptcy as it will be determined by a court of law.
e) If he/she no longer meets membership qualifications
f) Resigns
g) A receiving order is made against him to leave the office by a court of law.
A. All land, buildings and other immovable property and all securities which shall be acquired by the fellowship shall be vested in the names of not less than four (4) trustees who shall be members of the fellowship and shall be appointed as follows;
a) At the time of registration of this fellowship, they are:-
1. The Chairman (General Overseer)
2. The Secretary (Fellowship National Secretary)
3. The Treasuer (Fellowship National Treasurer)
4. The Assistant Secretary. (Fellowship National Assistant Secretary)
b) The above shall hold office for three years. After three years the fellowship National Executive council shall have an election of trustees. The officials retiring will be eligible for re-election.
c) After the fellowship has opened branches, the fellowship branch pastors will be eligible for election. This will be done at the annual national council meeting that shall include all branch pastors, District reverends and members of the national executive council. Such a first meeting will be held when the fellowship has 10 branch fellowships.
d) As the fellowship grows, the board of trustees will be as follows:
i) 2 elected officials from the national executive council.
ii) 2 elected officials from the fellowship national council committee.
iii) 2 elected officials from the national council members who shall be branch pastors of the fellowship.
iv) All the national executive council members not elected will be ex-officio members.
v) All the national council committee members not elected will be ex- officio members.
e) A general national council meeting shall have the power to remove any of the elected trustees and all vacancies occurring by removal, resignation or death, shall be filled at the same or next general meeting.
B. The trustees shall pay all income received from property vested in the trustees to the treasurer. Any expenditure in respect of such property which in the opinion of the trustees is necessary or desirable shall be reported by the trustees to the national executive council and the national council committee which shall authorize expenditure of such money as it thinks fit.
a) An auditor shall be appointed for the following year by the annual general meeting. All the fellowship’s accounts, records, and documents shall be opened to the inspection of the auditor at any time. The Treasurer shall produce an account of his receipts and payments and statements of assets and liabilities made up to a date which shall not be less than 6 weeks and NOT more than three (3) months before the date of the annual general national council meeting. The auditor shall examine such annual accounts and statements and either clarify that they are correct, duly vouched and in accordance with the law or report to the fellowship in what respect they are found to be incorrect, unvouched or not in accordance with the law.
b) A copy of the auditor’s report on the accounts and statements together with such accounts and statements shall be furnished to all members of the fellowship national council at the same time as the notice convening the annual general meeting is sent out. An auditor may be paid such honorarium for his duties as may be resolved by the annual general national council meeting appointing him.
c) No auditor shall be an office bearer or a member of the committee of the fellowship
d) Before the fellowship has ten (10) branches to start holding the annual general national council meeting, the national executive council shall be appointing the auditor at an annual executive council meeting.
e) Members of the fellowship will be given a report of how the money they raised at the branch was used. Queries arising from this shall be handled by the branch council of deacons, if still not satisfied, two (2) representatives from the fellowship district council, if still not satisfied two (2) representatives one from the national council committee and the other from the national executive council. The findings of those shall be final and the decision and action to be taken shall be by the national council committee and the national executive council and such a decision and action shall be final.
A.The fellowship National council committee.
1). There shall be established a national council committee
2). The chairman of the committee shall be the fellowship district reverend elected at the fellowship national council meeting. Upon election, he becomes the fellowship national council chairman-(bishop).
3). He/she shall hold office for 5 years renewable once. His/her qualifications a Cessation of services shall be as in 6 (6.1-12) of this constitution.
4. The vice-chairman,
The secretary,
The assistant secretary,
The treasurer and
the Assistant treasurer too shall be elected at this fellowship national council meeting to make the national council committee.
5. The officials in number 4(four) above shall have the following qualifications.
a) The vice-chairman shall be a pastor not holding a fellowship district position.
b) The secretary shall be a fellowship district reverend.
c) The assistant secretary shall be a pastor not holding a fellowship district position.
d) The treasurer shall be a fellowship district reverend.
e) The assistant treasurer shall be a branch pastor not holding a fellowship district position.
6. The national executive council members are ex-officio members to the national council committee and in the national council meeting.
7. The functions of national council committee shall be as follows:-
A. It shall implement such programs for evangelism and church administration as shall be assigned to it by the fellowship general national council meeting. It shall issue license and ordination credentials to ministers who have been recommended by their district councils and who have met the following qualifications.
1. To be appointed / employed as a pastor.
a) One shall have studied at least up to form four and have at least a mean grade of
C- (Minus) and above.
b) One shall have taken at least a certificate course in theology or ministry in the fellowship's
Bible school institution or any other institution approved by the national executive council. Once the national council committee is in place, it shall be the one approving other institutions where pastors can go
c) A definite scriptural born-again experience (John 3:16)
d) The baptism in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4, Acts 5:32
e) Acceptance of and obedience to the fellowship’s constitution (Romans 11:1-16), Statement of faith and code of conduct.
f) If married, the marriage must have been solemnized within accepted fellowship practice Heb: 13:1-4.
g) Qualifications for ministry outlined in the new testament (2Tim2:20, 2Tim 3:1-7, Titus 1:7-9)
h) Divorce and re-marriage is NOT acceptable ( Matt 19:4-9)
8. To be ordained as a minister of the fellowship:-
a) Must be an appointed employed pastor who has met the qualifications in 7 ( 7 part 1a-h) above.
b) Must have served the branch for 2 years
9. To be licensed to officiate weddings;-
a) The branch must have a permanent building owned by the fellowship
b) The minister of such a church must qualify in all the requirements of 7 ( 7 part 1a-h) and 7 (7part 2a-b)
c) Must have at least 250 members whose clear records are kept and are 18 years and above.
d) The church must have at least four (4 deacons who meet the following Qualifications;-
1. Form four-level - C- (minus) and above.
2. Have been filled with the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4
3. Have not had any marital entanglements and
4. Are men of good report.
e) The branch should be paying the pastor well ( this will be confirmed by the branch pastor).
f) The branch shall be paying its 10% of all its income to the national bank account and 10% for the district bank account and be keeping proper and true financial records.
g) This pastor and the branch fellowship must be faithful in all areas. At the registration of this fellowship, the Chairman (general overseer) will be permitted to officiate weddings without following this procedure. This will ensure that the fellowship has someone to officiate weddings from the start of the fellowship.
B. It shall constitute a final court of appeal in matters of ministerial discipline and fellowship administration that are submitted to it by the District committee.
C. It shall arrange for and announce national meetings of the fellowship with consideration for the interests of the fellowship as a whole. The decision of time and place for such meetings shall rest in its hands.
D. It shall administer the general funds.
E. It shall after consultation with a district committee and branch fellowship board of deacons, have the right to appoint, remove or transfer a pastor when it deems it necessary for the best interests of the work.
F. It shall meet at least twice a year.
G. Receive the reports of the board of trustees.
H. Prepare fellowship National council meeting Agenda.
I. Ensuring co-ordination of all departments within the fellowship.
J. The committee officials – vice-chairman, secretary, assistant secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer shall act as a watchdog confirming the records of the national executive council, and the national executive council shall act as a watchdog confirming the records of the national council committee.
K. The national council vice-chairman, secretary, vice secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer
L. shall too hold office for 5 years, renewable once. Their cessation from office shall be as in 6 (6. 12a-f)
1. There shall be established a fellowship district council committee.
2. The chairman of such a committee shall be elected by the branch pastors in the district and shall hold office for 5 years. He shall be at least an ordained minister.
3. During that same day there shall also be elected the vice-chairman, the secretary, the treasurer and the assistant treasurer who shall hold office for 5 years. These shall form the district council committee.
10. All pastors in the district shall be members of this council.
11. The functions of the fellowship district council shall be as follows;-
1. The chairman shall preside at all meetings of the district council and district council committee
2. He shall be an ex-officio member of all branch fellowship board of deacons . he may be called by the branch fellowship for consultation. He shall endeavor to visit as many branch fellowships in the district annually as possible.
12. The fellowship district council committee shall implement such programmes of the fellowship administration as shall be assigned to it by the national council committee and district council.
13. Their cessation from office shall be as in 6(12a-g)
1. There shall be established a fellowship branch committee.
2. The chairman of the committee shall be the pastor of the branch fellowship who holds office until he retires at the age of 70 years or resigns or dies or is removed for discipline purposes.
3. This committee shall have a secretary who is a deacon, a treasurer who is a deacon and a maximum of six other deacons
4. Deacons shall be appointed by the pastor to serve the branch for a period of 5 years renewable.
5. Their qualifications shall be as follows:
a) One shall have a K.C.S.E certificate with mean grade D+ and above
b) Be willing to serve voluntarily for 5 years or more.
c) Shall be a person of mature Christian experience and knowledge, who shall and as closely as possible, meet the requirements set forth in 1Tim 3and Titus 1 and who shall have been filled with the holy spirit according to Acts 2:4.
d) Shall be at least 20 years old and shall have been a member of the fellowship for at least six (6) months.
6. Their functions shall be as follows;
a) To carry out all the objectives of the fellowship.
b) Serve the fellowship
c) reach out to the world with the gospel.
d) Ensure that branch money is used correctly.
e) Shall appoint capable members to form branch department committees’ that will facilitate effective services. These shall be volunteers and shall serve for two (2) years renewable. The person to be appointed chairperson of any department shall have K.C.S.E. certificate D+ (plus) and above and show spiritual maturity.
a) Overseeing the spiritual, physical, numerical and geographical growth of the fellowship.
b) Leading and establishing the purpose of the fellowship e.g. Evangelism and development.
c) Coordinating all branch fellowship committees and other groups for the unity and betterment of the fellowship.
d) Teach and preach from the word of God.
e) Visitations and counseling of members
f) Appointing of deacons
g) Chairing Branch fellowship committee (board of deacons) meetings
h) Preparing programmes for the church
i) Getting agendas for the Board of Deacons
j) Assisting, training and motivating the members of the branch fellowship appointed to help in leadership in the Departments
k) Ensure that the objectives of the fellowship are known and are being carried out.
l) Helps members reconcile
m) Education to many issues of life.
n) Recommend to the board of deacons the discipline of a member(s) or receive such a report from any branch member and shall act accordingly.
a) The fellowship National Council Committee
- A vacancy shall be filled by the fellowship national council meeting that shall be called/follow. Before such a meeting the national council committee can appoint an acting person.
b) The Fellowship National Executive Council
- Vacancy shall be filled by the national executive council.
c) The Fellowship District Council Committee
- A vacancy shall be filled by the Fellowship District Council in a meeting that shall be called / follow
d) The Branch Fellowship Council (Board of Deacons)
- A vacancy shall be filled by the Fellowship branch pastor.
e) Branch Fellowship Departments formed.
- A vacancy shall be filled by the branch fellowship council (Board of Deacons) or the branch pastor.
NB: The Committees shall meet at such times and places as it shall resolve but shall meet not less than once in any three months.
a) There shall be two classes of fellowship National Council general meetings - annual general meetings and special general meetings.
b) i) The annual general meeting shall be held not later than 30th March in each year. Notice in writing of such annual general meeting, accompanied by the annual statement of account (see (6 IIIb) and the agenda for meeting shall be sent to all members not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting and, where practicable, by press advertisement not less than 14 days before the date of the meeting.
ii) The agenda of any annual general meeting shall consist of the following:
a) Confirmation of the minutes of the previous annual general meeting.
b) Consideration of the accounts.
c) Election of committee office bearers and (trustees where necessary).
d) Appointment of auditors in accordance with rule 6(IIIa).
e) Such other matters as the committee may decide or as to which notice shall have been given in writing by a member or members to the National executive secretary and the committee secretary at least four weeks before the date of the meeting.
f) Any other business with the approval of the chairman.
c) A special general meeting may be called for any specific purpose by the committee. Notice in writing of such meeting shall be sent to all members not less than seven days before the date thereof and where practicable by press advertisement not less than 7 days before the date of such meeting.
d) A special general meeting may also be requisitioned for a specific purpose by order in writing to the secretary of not less than 200 members and such meetings shall be held within 21 days of the date of the requisition. The notice for such a meeting shall be as shown in rule 9c and no matter shall be discussed other than that stated in the requisition.
The quorum for a general meeting shall be not less than 2/3 of all the persons qualified to attend such a meeting.
a) All land, buildings and other immovable property and all securities which shall be acquired by the Fellowship shall be vested as in rule 6IIA a - e & 6IIB
b) The branch money shall be deposited in a bank a/c opened in the name of the fellowship and the branch pastor, Chairman (general overseer) and a deacon (Treasurer) shall be mandatory signatories.
c) The District money shall be deposited in the bank a/c opened in the name of the fellowship and the District Rev, the Chairman (general overseer) and a member of the District Council shall be mandatory signatories.
d) Branch Council (Board of deacons) shall decide where church property will be kept & who takes care of them. They should ensure maximum care of church moveable property. Even legal action may be taken to any who is found to have illegally tampered with branch moveable property, money or any other fellowship material or property.
1) Branch fellowship shall submit 10% of its income to the National a/c opened in the name of the fellowship and 10% of the remaining 90% to the District account opened in the name of the fellowship. The remaining 80% shall be deposited in the branch a/c opened in the name of the fellowship.
2) The Branch pastor shall have all 70% of the remaining 80% of tithes and offering as his/her salary and other benefits.
3) The 10% of 80% tithes and offerings banked at the branch a/c shall be for branch development.
4) Money raised at the branch for development shall be used for that purpose. No percentage will be paid at the District or National a/c.
5. Upon the approval of the branch pastor, money raised at the branch level can be used to fulfill any of the fellowship objectives listed to pay the church workers so employed, Development or renovation, to start a fellowship owned charity, and to organize branch seminars.
6) Money banked at the district a/c and National a/c shall be used to pay salaries, allowances, for charity, to fulfill the fellowship’s objectives and for any other development within the fellowship.
7) No money shall be distributed to members of the fellowship.
8) All amounts of money and funds shall be received by and paid to the Treasurer and shall be deposited by him in the name of the fellowship in any bank or banks approved by the National executive council.
- All cheques on authorized payment shall be signed by the Chairman (general overseer), committee Treasurer/fellowship national treasurer and one more person who is a signatory at the concerned level.
9) A sum not exceeding Sh. 1 000 may be kept by the treasurer for petty disbursements of which proper account shall be kept.
10. Action shall be taken against any person dealing with fellowship money and there is reasonable cause to believe is not properly accounting for any property of the fellowship. Such a claim shall be made at the National Council meeting and a warning shall be issued. If no change such a person shall be removed from that position of handling money and property.
11. The financial year of the fellowship shall be from 1st January to 31st December.
- Upon registration, the books of account and all documents relating thereto and a list of members of the Fellowship shall be available for inspection at the registered office of the fellowship by an officer or member of the fellowship on giving not less than seven days notice in writing to the fellowship.
- All the books of account shall be audited once a year.
a) There shall be branches of the fellowship within the territory of the Republic of Kenya and abroad if approved by the relevant government authority.
b) They will adopt the same constitution as that of the headquarters with the following exceptions:
i) The aims and objects will not include the formation of branches.
ii) Amendments of the constitution can only be made by the headquarters of the fellowship in accordance with the provisions of rule 15.
iii) The provisions of rule 15 shall apply to branches, but in addition, branches will not be dissolved without consultation with the headquarters.
a) The objectives of this fellowship cannot be repealed.
b) Amendments to the constitution of the fellowship must be approved by at least a two-third- thirds majority of the fellowship general council meeting. They cannot, however, be implemented without the prior consent in writing of the registrar, obtained upon application to him made in writing and signed by three of the office-bearers.
If the congregation ceases to exist as a THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD fellowship, and ceases to use their property for THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD fellowship purposes, all real and moveable properties of the branch fellowship shall revert to the THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WILL OF GOD (Headquarter). The headquarter shall have full authority to sell the property or use it in any way they desire for the cause of Christ.
1) a) We believe that the scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, are the revelation of God to mankind. The reason God wants us to know the truth is so that we can live it and share it with others. God wants us to be imitators of Him, and His chief characteristic is love. Truth without love is vanity; love without truth is sentimentality.
b) God’s word is accurate up to date and gives us information, on all things pertaining to life and godliness, it provides the only sure and steadfast basis for faith. Understanding it is attainable by applying logic and sound principles of biblical interpretation. The spirit of God in us helps us to understand.
2. The One True God
The One true God has revealed Himself as the eternally self-existent “I AM” the creator of heavens, the earth and all things therein. He is our God and Father and the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (John 20:17) He is the redeemer of mankind.
(Deut 6:4, Isa 43:10, 11, Matthew 28:19, Luke 3:22). God is Holy and He is Spirit.
3. The Lord Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, is the only born Son of God. The scriptures declare:
a) His virgin birth (Matt 1:23, Lk 1:31, 35)
b) His sinless life (Heb 7:26, 1 Pet 2:22)
c) Suffered and died on the cross as a payment for all men’s sin (1 Cor 15:3; 2 Cor 5:21)
d) His miracles (Acts 2:22, 10:38)
e) His bodily resurrection from the dead (Matt 28:6, Luke 24:39, 1 Cor 15:4)
f) His exaltation to the position of Lord by God His Father.
4. Holy Spirit
We believe a distinction needs to be made between the Holy Spirit - Which is another name of God the Father and the gift of holy spirit that believers are given by God and Jesus Christ which is the living power of God. It is the means whereby we become partakers of the divine nature (2Peter1:4) With this gift comes the provision of power for life and service, manifestations in the work of ministry, (Lk 24:49, Acts 1:4, 8, 1 Cor 12:1 - 31), experiences as an overflowing fullness of the spirit (John 7:37 - 39, Acts 4:8) a deepened reverence of God Acts 2:43, Heb 12:28, an intensified consecration to God and dedication to His work (Acts 2:42) and a more active love for Christ, for His word and for the lost (Mark 16:20). The fullness of the spirit is witnessed by the initial physical sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. (Acts 2:4). We believe that this fullness/baptism is the “One baptism” of Eph 4:5.
5. Fall of man
We believe that man was created good and upright. However, man by voluntary transgression fell and thereby incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death, which is separation from God (Gen 1:26, 27, 2:17, 3:6, Rom 5:12 - 19).
6. Salvation of man
We believe that man’s only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Salvation is received through repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ. Being justified by grace through faith, man becomes an heir of God according to the hope of eternal life. (Luke 24:47, John 3:3, Rom 10, 13-15, Eph 2:8, Rom 2:11, 3:5 - 7). The inward evidence of salvation is the direct witness of the spirit (Rom 8:16). The outward evidence to all men is a life of righteousness and true holiness (Eph 4:24, Titus 2:12).
7. The Holy Communion
Holy communion is taught in the scripture and commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ and we shall celebrate it regularly.
8. Water Baptism
The ordinance of baptism by immersion is commanded in the scriptures. All who repent and believe in Christ as Saviour and Lord are to be baptized. Thus they declare to the world that they have died with Christ and that they also have been raised with Him to walk in newness of life. (Matt 28:19, Mrk 16:6, Acts 10:47 - 48, Rom 6:4).
9. Church
There is One true invisible church, made up of genuinely born again believers of different denominations and all walks of life.
10. We believe in the spirit-filled life, a life of separation from the world and the perfecting of holiness in the fear of God as expressing the true Christian faith.
(Eph 5:13, 2 Cor 6, 7:1, Rom 12:1, 1 Thess 5:23, Heb 13:12, Heb 12:14, 1 Pet 1:15, 16, Rom 6:1-11, 13, Gal 2:20, Php 2:12,13, 1 Pet 1:5).
11. The Ministry
A divinely called and scripturally ordained ministry has been provided by our Lord for a three-fold purpose:
a) The evangelization of the world (Mark 16:15 - 20)
b) Worship of God (John 4:23, 24)
c) Building a body of saints being perfected in the image of His Son. (Eph 4:11 - 16)
12. Healing
We believe in the healing of the body and mind by Divine power or Divine healing in its varied aspect as practiced in the early church and also by medical care. (1 Cor 12:9, 1 Tim 5:23, James 5:14, Acts 4:11)
13. Blessed Hope
The resurrection of those who have fallen asleep in Christ and their translation together with those who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord is the imminent and blessed hope of the church. (1 Thes 4:16, 17, Rom 8:23, Titus 2:13, 1 Cor 15:51, 52)
14. The Millenial Reign of Christ
The second coming of Christ includes the rapture of the saints, which is, our Blessed Hope, followed by the visible return of Christ with His saints to reign on earth for one thousand years. (Zech 14:5, Matt 24:27, 30, Rev 1:7, 19:11 - 24, 20: 1 - 6). This millennial reign will bring about the salvation of national Israel (Ezek 37:21, 22; Zeph 3:19, 20, Rom 11;26, 27) and the establishment of universal peace (Isa 11:6 - 9, Psal 72:3 - 8, Micah 4:3, 4).
15. We believe in Holy matrimony as originally instituted by God and stated in the scriptures (gen 2:18, Matt 19:3 - 9, Heb 13:4, 1 Cor 7:1 - 16, Eph 5:22 - 31).
16. We believe that Government is ordained by God and the powers that be are ordained as ministers of God to us for good (Rom 13:1-7).
17. We believe in eternal life for believers (John 5:24, 3:16) and punishment for the unbelievers (matt 25:46, Mrk 9:43 - 48, Rev 19:20, 20:11 - 15, 21:8).
18. Giving
We believe that a believer should give to God, to the fellowship of believers and to man not through force but cheerfully and willingly. Holding that a true believer will not have reason to give less than 10% of his / her increase. That he/she out of love to see the kingdom of God expand will give even more and be able to manage the rest for his/her own good.
19. We believe that men and women, old and young have equal opportunities to serve in the church as the Lord has gifted and talented each one of them.
20. Laying on hands
We believe in laying of hands-on children, blessing them while dedicating them to God (Mrk 10:16) we believe in laying of hands-on servants of God in empowering them for spiritual service 2 Tim 1:6, acts 13:3. We also believe in laying on of hands on the sick while praying for their healing (Mark 6:13, 16:18).
1. I will love God with all my heart, soul, mind, talents and abilities He has given me. I will acknowledge that what He has given me is His gift to me; what I do with it is my gift to Him. I will seek His word for guidance as to His will for my life and consider worshipping and obeying Him my first priority. I will shun all idols or false “gods” that would appear to be able to supply my needs if I were to compromise my commitment to the one Time God and my Lord Jesus Christ.
2. I will love my neighbor as myself, considering the effect of my words and my actions on my neighbors well being. I will acknowledge that my “neighbor” is the one near me, at various times geographical, familial or preferential. I will avoid the human tendency to stereotype and be prejudiced toward others of different faiths, races, nationalities, genders, etc and relate to individuals on the basis of their own words and deeds. I will follow God’s example, loving every individual and seeking to save them and bring them to a knowledge of the truth.
3. I will not gossip about others (passing on destructive rumors) but will lovingly speak the truth as I have personally experienced it with a goal of edifying others. I will speak words that minister grace and a good reputation for others to live up to). I will not be a party to character assassination or the judgment of another’s heart without direct experience of the person. If I believe that I have been trespassed against I will follow the pattern of Matthew 18:15 - 17, and with others. (Pastoral counseling excepted).
4. I will maintain holiness in my sexual life, whether in or out of marriage, acknowledging that sexuality is profoundly spiritual and will strengthen the bonds of either matrimony or iniquity. I will shun pornography and all illicit sexual activities as demeaning of God’s design of marital sexuality which testifies to His goodness and love for mankind.
5. I will acknowledge the spiritual battle raging between God and the devil, and never knowingly give the latter an opportunity to lure me to sin against God, self or neighbor. I will stand against his wiles with the written word of God, and seek every opportunity to free others who are held captive by him at his will.
6. I will recognize the authority of God and the Lord Jesus Christ and submit to all God’s authority derived from them to the limits of my conscience as it is educated by the Word of God. I will renounce rebellion and self-will and seek to serve and not to rule or be master over others. I will choose behaviors that will encourage godliness, peace, and reconciliation. I will live in such a way that if everyone followed my example there would be peace and goodwill among men.
7. I will be a giver and not a taker. I will not covet to steal that which belongs to another but will work with my own hands that I may have to give to others. I will make every effort to return lost items to their rightful owner, and seek to be a lender more than a borrower. Anything I do borrow I will return in better shape, than I found it, or replace it. I will not be a slave to the acquisition and preservation of money but will see it as a means to bless and provide for those I love. I will shun addictive and dependent behaviors that would enslave me and render me self centered and unproductive, especially those associated with destructive chemical substances.
8. I will not seek vengeance against those who wrong me but will forgive them and seek reconciliation according to the principles of God’s word. I will reject small-minded and petty attitudes that demand of others what I am unwilling to give. I will acknowledge that identifying the root of sin in my own life is a more compelling project them presuming to correct others without first correcting myself.
9. I will actively work to manifest the fruit of the spirit (Gal 5:22, 23) as the basic good attitudes and character traits that ought to govern my life and give particular attention to those traits that are most difficult for me to evidence. I will not follow my “nature” into sin, making excuses and rationalizing my inappropriate behavior, but will live by the power of the spirit to obey the word of God.
10. I will do good to all men, seeking opportunities to be of service and show the love of God that dwells in me. But I will be especially good to my fellow Christians, recognizing that they are God’s people whom he graced as my equals. I will do my personal best to be united with others against our common foe, in accordance with the common standard of God’s word and the one spirit that empowers us all.
1. General Overseer will have pastors employed through his office. The pastor must meet the qualifications in rule 7(A 7a 1a - h). Before the Districts be, a pastor can apply directly to the head office. Due to finances, a pastor will enter the ministry as a volunteer kind of but will get the 70% tithes and offering in his/her branch as salary. A branch pastor or a District Reverend can recommend a person to be employed as a pastor. Candidates will apply and be interviewed.
2. a) If needed, persons will be employed to serve in the office of the National executive council subject to the approval of the National executive council. Persons will be employed to assist the National Council Committee subject to the approval of the National Committee Council. Persons will be employed to assist the District Council Committee subject to the approval of District council Committee persons will be employed to assist the fellowship branch council subject to the approval of branch council committee (Board of deacons)
b) If the position requires a professional, the person must be qualified.
c) All qualified persons have equal chances of employment regardless of gender or tribe. If a person starts to offer his/her services partly as a volunteer he/she will do us good and such a person should be treated with respect and paid well when money is available.
ELIJAH MUTUA KIRIMA Signed.......................................
(General Overseer)
JANE KABURA KABACHIA Signed.......................................
(Fellowship National Secretary)
NELIUS WAITHIRA KABACHIA Signed.......................................
(Fellowship National Treasurer)
DATE: 18th April 2011