a. The candidate shall be over 18 years and shall not be discriminated against in any way bacause of gender, tribe, colour or nationality.
 b. A personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour according to Romans 10:9 - 10.
C. A commitment to do your best in the fellowship and contribute  in ways that are reasonable for the benefit of the body of Christ.
d. Recognize that continued fellowship requires that you not breach trust by behaviour that sows division, moral decay or toxic teaching.
c. No monthly subscription shall be paid each month but the candidate who becomes a member  shall be a faithful giver of his/ her tithes, offerings and any other contribution according to the Word of God.

a. Membership shall be limited to those who fulfill the above requirements and have expressed their desire for membership and a willingness to co-operate with the purpose of the fellowship. (the candidate shall fill a membership request form prepared by the fellowship.)
b. Those accepted for membership will be issued  a fellowship membership card.
c. Any member desiring to resign from the fellowship shall submit his resignation to the branch fellowship pastor  which shall take  effect from the date of receipt by the pastor of such notice.
d. Any person who resigns or is removed from membership shall not be entittled to a refund of his /her money or any kind of giving  or donations given (voluntarily) in support of the fellowship.
e. Any member who fails to give his/ her tithes and offering for more than six months shall be removed  from membership and any leadership position in the fellowship. The branch council of deacons may however , at its discretion, reinstate such a person if he/ she starts to give.

NB: Those outside Kenya will be responsible to inform the Head office of the legal requirements in their country / state. Where registration of this fellowship is required in a country/ state, for continued fellowship, we will make efforts to have it registered there. (you will help us get the minimum members and within the time limits set in your country,)