Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Firm Foundation lesson 2: God created the heavens and the earth. Preached on 2/10/2011 in the church during Bible Study.

Heb. 11:3; Gen. 1:1. The Word of God shows that God is the creator of heavens and earth, plants, animals and human beings etc. God created out of nothing. How possible is that? It's possible because nothing is too hard for Him. Jer. 32:17. In Gen. 1:1,2, it appears like God started to work with a formless and empty earth. Some theologians argue that there is a long period of time between verse 1 and 2. They argue that heaven and earth was perfect and beautifully made, but when Satan and his followers were thrown to earth, they desroyed it's form, and in verse 2 God is about to re-create. Others argue that v.2 is a step in the process. Why do some argue in favour favour of a world that evolved without a creator? Rebellion, desire for a great name and fame, money and a desire to control and guide the mind of many. God created us for a divine. Manufacturers produces manuals to explain purpose and use of a commodity. God's Word is His manual about us.

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