Friday, 4 November 2011

Firm Foundation. lesson 6: GOD JUDGED THE WORLD AND DELIVERED NOAH AND ALL IN THE ARK. Taught on 30/10/2011 in the church. during Bible study.

Some may say that God takes delight in killing people and destroying property. Nothing can be far from the truth. God's love for people and all creation is very great. His Word to us are guidelines to protect us from death. In Ezek. 18:32, God says: "I don't want you to die, says the Sovereign LORD. Turn back and live! (NLT). In the time of Noah, many years had passed - as in Gen.5. By this time there was a large population living on the earth. Gen.6:5,11 states the kind of people they were: they went after what they decided for themselves was the best, they gave no thought as to how they should please and serve God. God saw and hated their sin, but He also loved them and wanted them to repent. Gen.6:3 shows that God tried all he could to help them. The 120 years could be the maximum time they were given before punishment. God shows his great patience with us as well. He is giving us time to quit living our way and begin living His way, the way He shows
us in His Word. We can confidently say of the people of Noah's time: their minds were focused on material things, they were proud, self centered, boastful, wanted what other people had, argued and fought, were cruel, murderers, tricked, lied, deceived one another, gossiped, said evil things about others behind their backs, ignored God's original plan for marriage etc. Now you are saying they really deserved God's punishment. You can now see why God will punish again in that day. Mankind is now worse than in the days of Noah. In Gen.6:12, we are told that God saw their sin. Nothing was hidden from God. He saw it all and always sees.. Their sin grieved God. But Noah found favour with God. Gen.6:8,9 shows why. He had faith in God, he obeyed God, he trusted God. Do like Noah and you too will be favoured by God. God lovingly revealed His plan to Noah. Gen.6:13-21. When the Ark was ready God commanded Noah to enter in. Gen.7:1-5. Punishment was poured to all
who didn't have faith in God, who didn't trust or obey Him.

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