Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Lesson. 7. GOD DESTROYED SODOM & GOMORRAH. Taught in church during Bible Study on 27/11/11

Why on earth did God decide to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Gen.13:13. Gen.18:20,21; Ezek.16:49,50. These people were contnuausly very wicked. They did everything against God. It must be that God gave them time to change. They ignored God's mercy and grace. Gen.19:1-26. 2Pet.2:6. Lot is an example of them that will obey always. Lot's wife is an example of those who gets saved but allows the glittering things of this world to draw them back into the world - for their own destruction. Sodow is an example of those who keeps on sinning.

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