Sunday, 18 December 2011

Lesson. 10. GOD GAVE ISAAC AND DELIVERED ISAAC FROM DEATH. Taught in church during Bible Study on 4/12/11

In this story we see Abraham's faith and the FAITHFUL God in whom he trusted. Gen.21:1-3. - Many years passed and Isaac grew to be a young man. - One day God asked Abraham to do a difficult thing. Gen.22:1,2. (To sacrifice Isaac). - God wanted to see if Abraham loved Isaac more than God. - Abraham believed that even if he did kill Isaac in obedience to God, God would raise Isaac from the dead. Heb.11:19. Gen.22:6-13. - The blessing of obedience to God is clear in Gen.22:14-19. When we are tested, we can complain, or we can see how God is trying to mold us to be what is best. - Obedience to God is not easy and does not come naturally, but it is possible if we fully surrender to God. - Abraham received abundant blessings because he obeyed God.

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