Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Pastor's job opportunity

TO BE APPOINTED/ EMPLOYED AS A PASTOR. a. One shall have studied at least up to form four and have at least a mean grade of c- (c minus) and above.) Those outside Kenya shall have the equivalent of this. b. One shall have taken at least a certificate course in theology or ministry in a fellowship's Bible school institution or any other institution approved by the national executive council. (To those outside Kenya, the Kenya national executive council will approve the institution before there is formed a national council committee in that country.) Once the national council committee is in place, it shall be the one approving other institutions where pastors can go. c. A definate scriptural born- again experience. (John 3:16.) d. Baptism in the Holy Spirit according to : Acts, 2:4 ; 5:32. e.Acceptance of and obedience to the fellowship's constitution (Rom.11:1 - 16, statement of faith and code of conduct. f. If married the marriage must have been solemnized within accepted fellowship practice. Heb.13:1-4. g. Qualification for ministry outlined in the New Testament.( 2Tim. 2:20, 3:1-7; Titus 1:7-9 h. Divorce and remarriage is NOT acceptable.

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