Wednesday 5 June 2024


OUR AREAS OF INTERVENTION: • Support for Provision of food and clothing. • Support for provision of water (especially drinking water) and sanitation • Support for healthcare and wellbeing • Support for shelter • Support for education • Offer encouragement, mindset shift social awareness • Support to facilitate subsistence agriculture and subsistence animal and chicken keeping. • Support to secure rights • Support to access justice • Pre-wedding support • Pre-marital counseling. • Family support and counseling. Single family, child headed family, Orphans and vulnerable prioritized. • Drafting child support agreement • Support during emergencies • Support and counseling after the death of a loved one • Support for funerals • Presiding over funerals as a show of support to the living • Peace building, reconciliation and mediation efforts. • Advocacy and support for the protection of natural resources and climate concerns • Advocacy for sustainable communities and cities • Advocacy for responsible production and consumption • Advocacy and support for women rights and participation • Advocacy on fight against corruption and for good governance • Support to victims and Advocacy to stop Gender Based Violence • Support for inheritance matters • Supporting employers and employees restructure their methods to create capacity, improve efficiency, productivity boost morale and appreciate creativity. Help analyze policies, programs and regulations to see what is most effective. Suggest alternative approaches • Advocacy for effective and just judicial correctional system and support for the family of the accused. • Support for work/business, capital for business • Support for skills • Support for work tools • Support in crisis intervention • Support for mental health interventions • Interventions to control drug abuse • Advocacy and support for people living with disability • Support and networking for the stabilization of refugees, internally displaced persons and efforts in resolving the issues leading to their situation • Support for the elderly and counseling for their caregivers • Uniting street children and families to their families, kin and communities and or seeking to resolve any issues that led them to such life. Let's partner