Thursday, 6 February 2020

Role Of Religion in Society

- Morals and character building
- Alleviating poverty through empowering and supporting needy cases
- Advocating for human rights and social justice
- Offers comfort and hope to those in despair and so they can get the strength to pick up their pieces and rebuild  their lives
- Helps in peacebuilding initiatives
- Promotes education and social well-being of people by building schools, colleges, and hospitals
- Helps in conflict resolution
- It offers its members a sense of identity.
- Regular attendance at religious services is linked to well-behaved children
- Religious attendance boosts social skills.
- It is good for mental health
- It gives life purpose, meaning and connects people to their creator
- It helps define what is socially acceptable or not
- Members mostly are taught to help their own who are in need.
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