Monday, 9 April 2018


Have you ever wondered where to start in reaching out to someone in need? Often, we find ourselves not knowing what to do or say, or we may feel that we don’t have any meaningful help. We may even feel that our effort giving the little we can afford is like a drop in the ocean. When even that little is not there, we may feel that whatever words of comfort we may have may make a situation worse so we shy away from saying anything. We’ve all been there! At one point needing a certain help, at another faced with people with certain needs far beyond our ability to help enough.
Different scholars have written volumes and given many hours of lecture on how to deal this this societal issue.
Let me share with you how I personally feel about this and how I go about it. I believe there are many others like me out there. Myself, if I am in need, and I have been many time, My heart has always desired to have people acknowledge that given the circumstances, it is a valid need. While I understand that people who know they 'do not have the resources to help' will not get interested or will pretend they did not get the exact situation, I never mind if people tells me that they see the need and that even if they cannot help there is hope of overcoming it. Being a christian, I am comforted even if that hope is extended to the hereafter. Another thing, It is very precious if the person can take a bold step and give towards the need even if what they have is a millionth (one over a million) of the whole needed. I have reasoned that if all in society functioned normally, and one of us needs one million say shillings, If one million people responded, I am only required to give only one shilling - and that many can get without any struggle. In my case, I know you will never get the million people responding. But I have seen that like a key, if you get the first few people giving even something small like all the other one million will give, a miracle door opens for the receiving of all that is needed.
When a person I know or whose attention has been brought to me is in a certain need, I speak the encouraging and comforting words to them that comes into my mind and where I am able to give, I give what I can - Whether I see it as small or big. I reason that I am blessed and lifted if others responds in any of those ways to me and so 'I do to others as I would have them do to me'
Trust yourself! Caring is simpler than we think it is. We often feel that what we have to offer is not enough or is inadequate. But doing even a little is better than nothing! Are you concerned that your expression of care may be turned away? That is a risk we each take. Just remember how good you felt when someone genuinely asked you how you are feeling. Remember how warm it felt to know you were thought of and that you mattered to someone else and that they noticed your need.
You don’t need to know what to say or do ahead of time. In fact, when in doubt, listen. Listening is powerful and let others know you are present and can help hold their situation or story. Even after a long time has passed, you may want to do a follow-up of the need that came to your attention. It could be that now you are able to assist and the need still remains.
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”John 13:34,35. NLT. He gave Himself as a sacrifice - never minding whether people will see it as a big thing or not, whether they will accept the forgiveness through that sacrifice or not.

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