Most people both Christians and non Christians have heard about the central Message of the Bible - Forgiveness of sins and reconciliation to God and to fellow mankind. But who has sinned and what is sin are some of the questions they ask. Let's here What God has to tell us: 1. All have sinned. Rom.3:23. If they will not follow the regulations laid by God to rescue them they will have to pay for their sin through death, both physical, spiritual and eternally be separated from God.Rom 5:17. 2 What is sin? Shortly, Sin is doing against the perfect will of God as revealed in His Word. (accepting Jesus as the atonement of our sins, living a holy life and repenting in case we have failed and continue in faith and holiness) James 4:17; 1John 3:4. 3 What is so bad about sin? Rom. 6:23; Isa.59:2
1 Peter 3:18
John 3:16
John 14:6
You may obediently accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you will be saved. To accept Jesus as Lord means making Him master of your life. You think, do and believe according to His Word and teaching. If you refuse Him then unfortunately, it becomes a sad story when He returns or you die having not accepted Him. Rom.10:9-10; John 1:2.
1. You have the assurance of salvation. John 14:20; Colosians 2:13-14; 1John 5:13
2.Love God and fellow man, Have a good relationship with God and fellow man, Keep a life-long commitment. Ephesians 1:4-5; Colosians 2:6-7.
3.Pray continually. Phillipians 4:6.
4.Live as per the Word. 2Timothy 3:16.
5.Check your lifestyle. John 14:15; Philipians 2:13
6.Resist Temptations 1Corinthians 10:13
7.Walk in the Holy Spirit. John 14:26
8.If you mess up, repent and make it not a habit. 1John 1:9.
9.Fellowship with others. Hebrews 10:25
10.Share your testimony and the gospel. Romans1:16
11.Memorize verses. Ephesians 6:17
12.Remember your life-long goal i.e To be like Christ. Philipians 1:6; Psalms 119:105.
Get into a good Christian Church/ Fellowship and have a deep study of the Word of God. The best way to do it is to identify a congregation through Prayer and general guidance in the Word of God and commit yourself as a full member as opposed to going into this church this Sunday and into another the following Sunday. Among others the leadership must have a plan of covering topics such as: Belief, Bible, Church, Death, Devil, Faith, Forgiveness, Future, God, Gospel, Grace, Heaven, Hell, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Giving, Life, Some information on other World Religions, Spiritual Gifts, Prosperity, Temptation, Suffering, Family, Holiness, Citizenship - in our particular countries and heavenly citizenship, Work, Leisure, Stewardship etc.
To cover all these and the many, many more teachings of the Bible requires time. I would urge you to try to get time as an individual, as a group and as a congregation for such studies. Christians cannot change and cannot change the world unless after believing in Christ they commit themselves to deep Study of the Word of God and apply the teachings there in to our day to day living through the help of the Holy Spirit. God bless you and keep you.
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