1. Motivational teachings. 3rd, 10th and 17th of Jan.
2.Work. 24th and 31of Jan.
3.Grace. 7th and 14th of Feb.
4.Giving.21st and 28th of Feb.
5.Integrity of God's Word. 6th of March.
6.The promises in God's Word. 13th of March.
7.Faith. 20th of March.
8.The Two Adams.27th of March and 3rd of April.
9.The basics of spiritual Growth. 10th and 17th of April.
10.Bible Book exposition - Jude. 24th April and 1st and 8th of May.
11.What is the Church and its role.15 and 22nd of May.
12.Bible Character: - Samwel. 29th May and 5th June.
13.The role of women in the church. 12th and 19th June.
14.perfecting holiness in the fear of God.26th June.
1.One church meeting monthly. Ist Sunday of the Month - afternoon.
2.One Fundraising. 12th June. To buy plot, build meeting hall and buy chairs.
3.Witnessing once a month 3rd week of the month on a Sunday
4.Weekly mid-week-prayer fellowship. Wed. 5.30 - 6.30 PM.
5.Prayer and fasting. at an individual level as need arises.
6.Seminars for church groups - Men, Women, Youths, Teenagers and Children. Encouraged and organized on a day most convenient to many.