Sunday, 17 March 2013


The best friends and people to surround yourself with are those who: (a) put God first in their lives, (b) apply Scripture to their own lives, (c) are generous givers, (d) support their pastor, and (e) know that money is a tool ... not a god.

The worst friends that will 'eat' your 'intestines' and all your 'inner parts' from inside while from outside they appear the best of friends are those who: (a) put money first, (b) refuse to support their pastor, (c) give little to the ministry, (d) fail to apply Scripture to life, and (e) put God 3rd or 10th or 15th in their lives, not first. one day you just fall 'dead' and people cannot understand this sudden happening. They don't know somebody has been sucking your 'blood' for a loooooong tome.

Monday, 11 March 2013


Fear of the LORD is a life giving fountain; it offers escape from the snares of death. Prov. 14:27 NLT. Experience shows that by just fearing God, following His way and obeying His  Word (all these meaning almost the same), a person escapes sufferings, trouble, difficulties, failed relationships, sicknesses and death almost by 90%.