Sunday, 19 February 2012


"But the fruit that the Spirit produces in a person's life is love...'' ERV. The opposites of love : jealous, hatred, boastfulness, maliciousness, arrogance, resentment, rudeness, irritability, selfishness etc.
     If you truly love God you will do the following: love and obey His commandments, pray, study His Word, serve Him, make Him known, worship Him in Spirit and truth,and  support His servants who are in full time ministry.
    If you love other people as yourself and as God commands , you will: build them in the things of God, sacrifice to meet their needs, deal with them in sincerity and genuineness and love them equally and unconditionally.
   Love is the greatest thing we can have. Read 1Cor.13:13. So these three things continue: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.